Those of you whom know me for sometime know by now that I love good analogies and metaphors. My wife this morning, the 17th of June, told me "no sun today, all day". Well, it's actually not true when you think of it for just a second, the sun shines, always, the clouds are in the way and block the sun beams sp that they cannot reach where we are. It's sunny weather in many other places, in Malaga, Antalya, Istanbul, Baghdad, Cairo, San Francisco and so on. It's "sunny" above Stockholm also, it's just that the clouds are in the way.
Now to my analogy, our personalities are like the sun and our moods are like the clouds. The personality always shine and our moods are sometimes in the way so we are perceived by around as moody, angry, sad and even annoying.
Some personalities are warmer than others. A few of the people that I happen to know, not more that the fingers in one of my hands when I count, have personalities that shine more and their sun beams reach regardless of how cloudy it is. I wish there were more of these people around and many more of us could have the privilege to spend some time with these people. They carry a long an aura and it's pleasant to be around in their atmosphere. They have their own weather system and no matter where they go and/or what they do, people around them feel safe, comfortable, loved and appreciated. In a day like this I wish I get to see one of these few friends and let them know that their personality mean a lot to time.
You may now be thinking what the hell is he talking about, I don't get it, so be it. If you on the other hand understand what I am talking about, lift up your phone and make a phone call to your own sun, send a short message (SMS) or an e-mail, let that special person know that his/her personality mean a lot to you. I am convinced the notion will increase their energy and and the nuclear reactions will intensify and will warm even more people.
Remember that we are all stardust. All new stars are born when an old star dies and becomes a nebula. When the nebula collapse, it will give birth to a new star, a new sun, which will shine for a long looong time...
Enough from me for today. Cya!