fredag 24 oktober 2014

Do I have more of CCC or am I deceiving myself?

Captain Ergin's log (Earth calendar 2014, October 24, 10:16 CET)

My day started rather interesting this morning. The events were all very normal events, nothing really unusual about them. The interesting part was how I handled them, so let me walk you thru my morning
- around 07:00 CET I get up, breakfast and coffee, like any other normal day at home.
- 07:30 brush my teeth and thinking about what I will do today, looking at the thermometer, 6,2 degrees centigrade, 76% humidity, the trees wave as the wind blows outside.
- 07:41 I turn on my laptop to prepare for my meeting which will start at 09:00. I see an e-mail from the person I am going to have the meeting, which he sent 07:23 that he had to prioritize other things so he had to cancel the meeting.
- 07:42 I confirm his e-mail and propose a few new dates and times to setup a new meeting. If this was say 6 months ago I would have been frustrated but not this morning.

It's some where here I started re planning my morning and decided to go for a power walk. I put on
clothes and shoes and at 08:03 exactly I was outside. I knew I was prepared for the meeting and there wasn't much else I could do. I instead decided to take the chance to something I needed to do, my training for Kilimanjaro and went for it. So far so good, as I was warming up I was more aware of the weather, wind and humidity. This wasn't the the first time I was out for a walk or a run in this kind of weather. This was the FIRST TIME I was going for a walk in this kind of weather LOOKING FORWARD to it. I had a smile and I was already feeling energized. In the forest, along my path there were a lot of water, which I used to have an excuse for not going out this kind of weather, but today I saw them as challenges and opportunities to train my balance and jumps. My feet got a little wet and it was not a problem at all.

During the walk which lasted around 1 hours and 40 minutes I had a lot to think and remember a quote from Robin Sharma, "At the heart of mastery lives consistency." This was the first of the three C's I was thinking of. Was I more consistent than before. I have been committed to my training sessions and psychically feeling great.

I also started thinking about if I was taking my decisions more consciously,  the second of three C's. I recently changed my path in life, trying to find my way in a for me totally new arena and find my "right to exist". All the decisions I have been taking the last few weeks, were they more conscious or were they taken randomly. I have met a lot of very interesting and inspiring new people. I also discovered that many of the people I know had ideas and thoughts I wasn't aware of. This awareness was it because of me or was it gonna happen any way?

Was I more courageous?  The third of the 3 C's. A few days ago I have delivered my first all way workshop for a customer in Visby, Gotland. I started with "Min resa" and continued with "Diversity awareness workshop". I was happy how the whole day went and so was the customer, a group of 30 HR specialists. A few minutes before I was going to start, I turned on the song I listen to get into stage mode and being stage ready. I felt great and happy, to be among 30 people I never met before, all experts in their profession.

I recently heard "we don't get more courageous, we get better at showing our courage". These few words reminded me that I wasn't more courageous, I was getting better at showing my courage in some circumstances. The fact that I have been preparing for a long time, by reading many articles, watching countless Youtube films, discussions with experts and friends, did help me to ground myself.

With this experience I will have the courage to book meetings with potential customers and/or partners.

May be I have a dash of more CCC, consistency, making conscious decisions and better at showing courage. Or may be I am just deceiving myself, only time will tell.

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