torsdag 19 december 2013

Happy holidayzzZzzz...

It was dark this morning, the 19th of December 2014, as I was driving to Stockholm City. Even I miss the snow, not that because I am a winter person. I would like a little bit more of light instead of this dark heavy grey which seems to incapsulate us all...

In the radio stations many X-mas songs which bring a little bit of joy, radio presenters make an effort to wipe a little bit of the grey. When it's 07:00 CET it's the news Swedish Radio P1. I listen very keen to the news from Lebanon, about many Syrians families whom seek refuge and their huge humanitary needs of food, clothes, shelter, sanity and as well as notion that people from all around the world think of them. I would like to think that many people all around the world are in search of ideas so that they are able to help somehow.

I think we human beings need both of these realities. We need to chrerish these moments where we can be together with our families and loved ones to "fill up our emotional tanks" so that we have the energy needed to give a helping hand, whatever small it may be to those whom are in need.

So let us all celebrate holidays a little bit extra this year, get some well needed rest for the daily hassles, focus on the godd stuff. Let's all take the discussion with those around. I am a hundred percent sure that you'll find we all share the same willingness to be there for those who are not so priviliged as we all are.

Happy holidays! Until the next time we bump into each other, take good care of yourself, your loved ones and what a hell, take good care of everyone. :-)

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